Posts in Family
Cruising, COVID, and the Constant of Easter

Our theme song for the week has been, “And another one gone, and another one gone. Another one bites the dust!”

The four of us are isolating together, much like we did two years ago on Easter Sunday, when both of our girls were sent home from college in March 2020. Our bucket-list vacation followed by a five days of COVID isolation during the holiest week of the year, has spurred reflections on our ever-changing Easter traditions, and the ever-constant reason we celebrate.

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Striving for a Servant's Heart: How to Care for Young and Old

…I poured out my own servant-love on my children. It was hard work and though I complained and often grew tired, fully giving of myself had its own rewards. I watched as my children grew, learned, and became less dependent on me.

Then the tables turned. As my children needed less of me, my parents needed more.

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Parents Under Pressure: 4 Ways You Can VENT

…While I’m learning to adapt, my heart goes out to parents with children at home. They’re feeling pressure from all sides. Working parents are now work-from-home parents. Or, working parents whose kids have no place to go. Or, unemployed parents with financial worries. In addition, they’ve become homeschooling parents. And with more people at home, their household management duties have expanded to another nearly full-time job. As if the pressure of a global pandemic is not enough, parents are loaded down with extra work and responsibility.

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Pay Attention! Don't Miss the Good Stuff!

I wonder what good stuff I'm missing when I’m not paying attention.

During this unprecedented pandemic, we would all do well to pay attention to the good stuff. To put our devices and media and entertainments away and listen. To place productivity on pause and pray. To lay our anxieties and fears aside and practice mindfulness instead.

There is good stuff happening right now.

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