Parents Under Pressure: 4 Ways You Can VENT

…While I’m learning to adapt, my heart goes out to parents with children at home. They’re feeling pressure from all sides. Working parents are now work-from-home parents. Or, working parents whose kids have no place to go. Or, unemployed parents with financial worries. In addition, they’ve become homeschooling parents. And with more people at home, their household management duties have expanded to another nearly full-time job. As if the pressure of a global pandemic is not enough, parents are loaded down with extra work and responsibility.

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Pay Attention! Don't Miss the Good Stuff!

I wonder what good stuff I'm missing when I’m not paying attention.

During this unprecedented pandemic, we would all do well to pay attention to the good stuff. To put our devices and media and entertainments away and listen. To place productivity on pause and pray. To lay our anxieties and fears aside and practice mindfulness instead.

There is good stuff happening right now.

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Empty Nest, Interrupted

As empty-nesters, we’ve been forced to give up the lives we had grown accustomed to. Gone are the days of simple meals for two, lower grocery bills, quiet evenings, empty guest rooms and uncluttered hallways. We now run the dishwasher once or twice a day instead of every other, find an empty coffee pot by mid-morning, and have given up our “assigned” chairs at the dinner table. Our empty nests have been interrupted.

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An absence of "an absence of fear" in the face of COVID-19

Today, the 26th of March, was the day we would have boarded a plane for our dream vacation to Ireland and Scotland.

Obviously, that is not happening.

Just three weeks ago, our youngest daughter was studying abroad in Ireland and my husband and I were planning a grand trip to visit her. I busily mapped out our itinerary and made hotel and Airbnb reservations.

Then came the rumblings of a pandemic.

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A Perfect Pandemic Playlist and the Pursuit of Peace

Whether our days are too slow or too fast, too empty or too scary, the change has been sudden and shocking. And more than a little unsettling.

How do we adapt when the tempo of our lives has changed so drastically? When the mood has gone from happy and buoyant to melancholy and ominous?

I don’t have the answers.

But I have noticed in difficult times, people turn to music.

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I love this place. Finding awesome in Austin, Texas

Being an empty nester has its perks. For one, when your kids live across the country you have a good excuse to travel. For another, when you arrive, you have your own private chauffeur to meet you at the airport.

Such was the case on our recent trip to Austin, Texas, a city we’ve had the privilege of visiting twice since our son moved there two and a half years ago.

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Life Under the Permacloud: In Search of the LIGHT

Even in our monochromatic weekdays, I believe we can find golden rays of light gleaming down on us. And when darker clouds roll in–depression and sadness, broken relationships, unfulfilling jobs or difficulties at work, sickness and death, news of gun violence, natural disasters, and deadly viruses–we have all the more reason to look toward the Light.

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News from our Galaxy: 2019 Year-in-Review

Whether or not you’ve followed our earlier episodes, I hope you’ll take a moment to sit down with a bowl of popcorn (or Gummi Bears, Junior Mints, etc.), and catch this latest blockbuster! Trust me, there’s no need to review, or even know the characters, and you’ll find the plot easy to follow.

So here goes…(cue Star Wars music).

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

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